Y’all know me, I’m the short one with the red hair and big mouth often holding a Telecaster or BluesHawk…

For those of you unacquainted, I’d love to introduce the band: (you can find bios at the “band” link!)

Kevin Lance (drums and vocals) and I first played together on a fun weekly experimental round robin rambler gig with Matt Hubbard, Cole Berg (then Cole El-Saleh) and Charlie Prichard at Austin’s Ruta Maya around 2005(ish). When we’re not on tour, you can often find him with the Texas Tycoons, Nakia, and other super fun gigs. Kevin has been driving this band from behind that kit since 2014. That’s him on “Moon Goes Missing” https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/moon-goes-missing/1239984437
Here’s a link to his bio: https://carolynwonderland.com/band/kevin-lance/

Greg Rzab (bass) and I first met when he was playing in Buddy Guy’s band and my band had the honor of opening a run of shows for them in the mid to late nineties. We’d run into each other on the road, as musicians do, and subsequently he recommended me to play with him and Jay Davenport in John Mayall’s band. I’m happy to report I could still speak after pulling my jaw off the floor and uttered “yes,” and have happily been in John’s band since Spring 2018. Thanks, Greg!
Here’s a link to his bio: https://carolynwonderland.com/Greg-rzab/

Bobby Perkins as Charlton Heston as Moses on bass stick
Sometimes we get to hang with our brother, Bobby Perkins on bass, too! We’ve been playing together on and off for the better part of the past two decades. Bobby played in the live Jerry Lightfoot’s Band of Wonder with me and currently tours with Ian Moore and Patrice Pike. Here’s a link to his bio: https://carolynwonderland.com/band/Bobby-Perkins/

Add to that the amazing Shelley Cox, who has been our tour manager, merch handler, mechanic, and cat herder for the past ten years (also, an excellent roommate!); and all the cats at Intrepid Artists International who keep us super busy booking us around the globe, you’ve officially met everyone “in the band.”
Sometimes we’re lucky enough to add the talents of the amazing Shelley King. I will shout it from the rooftops every time she joins us!
Thank you for taking a chance on us! Hope to play for you soon ❤
PS all photos (except Bobby’s Heston as Moses mash up) by: Kevin Lance Photography!